Sugarbird Sweets & Teas
Silverlake, CA
Sugarbird Sweets is available here as well as select shops locally. Kei also caters small private parties and provides desserts for chefs and restaurants in and around Los Angeles. She lives with her husband and her two sons in Silverlake, California.
Handsome Roasters Coffee
Los Angeles, CA http://maps.google.com/?q=582%20Mateo%20Street,%2090013
We will make amazing coffee the way we think it should be made. Full stop. Our way may not be for everyone, and that's okay, we're not making coffee for everyone...we're making coffee for you. For those who value craftsmanship and quality over convenience and cost - we're your huckleberry
Socha Tea Company
Pasadena, CA 91109
Socha focuses on providing its customers and partners with access to the highest quality, functional loose leaf tea in the world. When you drink Socha teas you will enjoy great taste and a tea that is great for you! - See more at, http, //store.sochatea.com/articles/about.htm#sthash.ECCU3mZC.dpuf
Secret Squirrel Cold Brew
Los Angeles, CA 90013
That is, we grind the beans, soak them in water for 18-24 hours, then filter out the beans to get the coffee concentrate